Yoga and creativity - Czech Republic
Sep 27, 2024 (166 days ago)
Would you like to create but are afraid? Are you interested in natural colors and a deeper connection to Mother Earth? Do you feel the need to move more but don't have the time? Are you looking for a way to live a happy and fulfilled life in an accelerated world?
Join us on September 27-29 in the beautiful surroundings of @retreaty_podhora . Through movement and creativity you will connect deeply with your own needs and inner guidance. You will relax and create space within yourself to experience the present more deeply even after you return from your stay. You will also nourish yourself with delicious local and seasonal food of the highest quality.🌿
True experiences are not found behind a screen, but in nature, in your body, in the company of like-minded souls. Will you join us?
Price in CZK : 3000 Kč
Sign up by filling out the form below. We will then send you a detailed program and info in an email. 🌞
Who will guide you through your stay?
✨Suzanne Traveler, yogi, yoga instructor, hiker. She loves the color red, her favorite food is summer rolls and her favorite asana is Rooftop. Simplicity to her is: "the feeling in your body when things in life somehow fit together easily. No pushing, no planning. I feel light and comfortable. Most of the time it's the small and seemingly insignificant situations, but worth living for."
Suzanka will guide you through four yoga classes, meditation, cacao circle.🌞
✨Markéta Artist, illustrator, explorer and teacher of discovering natural colours and their uses. Her favourite colour often changes depending on which one she is working with. But she loves the combination blue~orange. Her favorite food is soup for breakfast and the asana position of the Tree. Simplicity for her is "not wasting: words, thoughts, energy, materials. It is balance and perspective. Simplicity holds all the complexity of the world and yet ~ it stands right next to chaos, just waiting for us to start consciously choosing it in our lives."
Margaret will guide you through two creative techniques in one day, helping you to relax and allow yourself to express your own creativity, you will have a mini exhibition with her and whoever wants to, will also create their own oil perfume with intention...🌿
Contact me if you have any questions :)