What are chakras ?
- Vortex of subtle energy
- The energy center that also coordinates energy throughout the system
- A chamber in the temple of the body that receives, integrates and transmits the energy of the life force.
- If the chakra is to be in balance, it must be able to perform the three functions of receiving, integrating and expressing at the appropriate level
- 7 main chakras
How to achieve chakra balance ?
- Meditation, yoga, affirmations, tasks specific to each chakra
Life energy is called prana. It spreads through the body through a network of subtle pathways called nadis. 3 main nadis - Sushumna is the central channel, ida and pingala wind around the sushumna and meet in the chakras
1. The root chakra
- the lower end of the tailbone
- red
- earth and everything material (even our physical body - bones, muscles)
- base, support, stability, security, grounding Practice : basic necessities of life (sleep, food, physical comfort.. ), barefoot walking, yoga : postures to connect with the earth - child, upside down dog, mountain, warriors, tree
2. Sacral Chakra
- between the navel and the genitals
- orange
- water
- Flow, changeability, emotion, creativity, passion Practice : connection with water, fluid movement, improvisation, creative activity Yoga - lying : knees to chest, happy child, gentle twist in lying position, butterfly, child with knees apart, lizard, pigeon
3. Solar plexus chakra
- approx. 2 fingers above the navel
- yellow
- fire
- energy, power, ego, will, determination, manipulation, self-confidence
Practice : Sunning, affirmations (I am confident etc), goal setting and achievement
Yoga : Kapalabhati - fire breath, power poses - vinyasa, plank, boat, warriors, rotation
4. Heart Chakra
- Chest
- Green
- air
- Gentleness, love, dissolving ego and separateness, forgiveness, connecting, joy practice - walk in the green, conscious forgiveness, gratitude journal, deep breathing Yoga : chest opening poses, twists - cat/cow, puppy pose, cobra, camel, lying on bolster along the spine
5. Cervical Chakra
- Throat, tongue, throat, mouth, ears
- Blue
- sound
- communication, truth-telling, harmony, listening
- imbalance - difficulties with self-expression, silence, thyroid problems Practice : listening to all sounds around, sound or chanting (mantras, songs, recitation), sharing thoughts, expressing truth, expressing disagreement when we don't want something Yoga : mantras, neck stretches, head twists and rotations, bridge, candle, plough
6. Third eye
- between the eyebrows (pituitary and pineal area)
- dark blue
- OM
- Light
- indigo blue
- radiance, beauty, intuition, single point focus, inner light, imagination, vision
- dristi - focus of sight and attention
- imbalance - lack of focus and clarity in life, lack of imagination, migraines and headaches
practice : catching the light, visualization, meditation, listening to intuition
Yoga : balance and inverted postures, eye warm up, warrior 3, eagle, headstand, handstand
7. Crown Chakra
- Crown of the head ( and a little above it)
- white
- OM/quiet
- consciousness, thought
- awareness, oneness with the universe, silence, intelligence, enlightenment, awakening practice : meditation, mindfulness, savasana